Dorchester Resident wins prestigious Rotary award

Each year Rotary clubs are invited to nominate someone who they believe deserves to receive the Rotary Champions of Change Awards, and we are delighted to announce that Molly Rennie of Dorchester has been awarded one of the seven Community Champions Awards for 2017-18.

Molly, is a Dorchester resident who has worked tirelessly in Dorchester for over 30 years, and over the last decade her most influential role in the community has been to raise awareness of Domestic Abuse.    She was nominated by Dorchester Casterbridge Rotary for her tireless work with the victims of Domestic Abuse, which started with the Dorchester Women’s’ Refuge which she chaired during its formative years and for which she has raised thousands of pounds.

Molly identified that victims of domestic abuse, both male and female, were poorly supported and set about doing something to resolve this significant community problem.

Her achievements in raising the profile of the campaign against Domestic Abuse are an example to all, she has been truly inspirational in driving forward the campaign, firstly by ensuring that the refuge became a reality and then ensuring it has the funds to run and continue its excellent work. In recent times Molly has become proactive in obtaining materials to educate and support children and young people who have witnessed domestic abuse.

Molly’s determination to raise the subject across the community has been paying off, with victims empowered to escape their situations, reflected by a refuge sadly always full.  Molly has firmly established refuges, halfway houses, education programmes and community support networks for victims of domestic abuse.

Molly Rennie is one of those people who really does go that extra mile; her commitment and dedication to the campaign against Domestic Abuse is truly inspirational.   But her work extends far beyond this one important subject. As a town and district councillor she has striven to integrate their work within their communities and as a force for good she has forged bonds between different parts of the community, old, young, in need or those who just want to celebrate our town. 

Molly will receive her award at The 2017/18 Rotary Champions of Change Awards Event which will take place at Cardiff City Hall in May 2018.

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